B-I-A Vertriebs GmbH, Germany
119919 - 13654-TWP
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Catalog No. 13654-TWP

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Catalog No. : 13654-TWP
EDP Number : 119919

Target Countries : USA, Canada

Description :
Tall Profile 0.98" (24.9mm) Lamp Center, Snap-In or Slide-On Mounting Featuring Lamp-Lock, with Panel Locator Post for T-5 Lamps, 120Watts, 600Volts, UL, CSA

Country of origin : US – UNITED STATES
Taric Number : 85399010
Subject to change

Brandname : Leviton


Logistic Informations

Standard qty. : 5 Each
Shipping weight : 0.030 kg / Each

Please contact our sales office for additional product information.


Nur national gültig in Deutschland
Safety notes only valid in Germany
Installation nur durch Personen mit einschlägigen elektrotechnischen Kenntnissen und Erfahrungen! *

Durch eine unsachgemäße Installation gefährden Sie:

Wenden Sie sich an einen Elektroinstallateur!

* Erforderliche Fachkenntnisse für die Installation

Für die Installation sind insbesondere folgende Fachkenntnisse erforderlich:
In der Endanwendung sind folgende Anforderungen der Norm zu prüfen bzw. sicherzustellen
The following requirements of the standard must be checked and respectively ensured at final application
Non stock products are procurement goods, can only be ordered in standard packaging quantities and have a minimum order value. The actual product may differ from the illustration shown. The information provided here is subject to change without notice. The product availability is continuously updated every 15 minutes on working days. The product shown is for the use in the specified country. If no CE reference is included in the product description, the use of this product within the European Union or the CE marking itself is not permitted. The use of non-compliant equipment within the European Union is prohibited by law.
Installation may only be carried by people (qualified electricians) with relevant electrical engineering knowledge and experiences!
DISPOSAL INFORMATION   Must not be disposed with household waste!
WEEE No.: DE 54087582 — Information provided in compliance with §18 paragraph 4 sentence 3 WEEE Directive available at www.bmuv.de